Sweet memory from maple season

Sweet memory from maple season

The maple syrup season is upon us, although judging by the buds popping on our maples, it’s probably winding down. It’s been a few years since my wife Sherry and I have made syrup. We started with a few spiles and pails but grew tired of having to strain out bark,...
Signs of spring on the farm

Signs of spring on the farm

Stepping off the wild ride to see the signs of spring By Chris Hardie One sign that spring has arrived is when you realize that no matter how many hours you try to squeeze into the day it just isn’t long enough to get your work done. Field work, yard work, garden...
From farmer to butcher

From farmer to butcher

One trait that is universal with all small farmers is the do-it-yourself mindset. This is not unique to farmers, but figuring out how to get it done is as ubiquitous to farmers as carrying a pocket knife, pliers or a multi-tool. When there’s a breakdown or a snafu,...